Rogue River
https://lakechamplain.tu.org/tu-projects/rogue-riverLocated near the second largest metropolitan area in Michigan, the Rogue River is an extremely important trout fishery in southern Michigan. The lower portion of the river is fabled for its excellent steelhead runs. The eastern tributaries host significant brook and brown trout populations. Th
Otter Creek Reconnect and Reintroduction Project
TU eliminated over 14 fish passage barriers in this tributary to the Bear River, replacing existing culverts and diversion dams with bottomless arch culverts and instream rock structures.
Little Bear Flow Restoration Project
TU installed four new pivot irrigation driven by innovative micro-hydro turbines that provide a source of clean and renewable energy.
Colorado Abandoned Mine Restoration
Abandoned mines and their toxic legacies are among the most widespread, but least addressed, threats to native and wild trout. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that they impact over 40% of headwater streams in the West.
Blackfoot River, Idaho Home Rivers Initiative
The Blackfoot River in Idaho is located in what is known as the Southeast Idaho phosphate patch, where there are several active and non-active phosphate mines within the Blackfoot Watershed.
Driftless Area Restoration Effort
The unique 24,000 square-mile unglaciated Driftless Area in the heart of the Upper Mississippi River basin is a natural resource treasure. The scenic landscape with its steep hills and rocky bluffs is home to one of the country’s most remarkable freshwater resources—over 600 coldwater limestone
Upper Clark Fork Restoration Project
Trout Unlimited has embarked on an ambitious effort to implement large-scale habitat and flow restoration in critical spawning and rearing tributaries throughout the Upper Clark Fork.
Trout Unlimited has embarked on an ambitious effort to implement large-scale habitat and flow restoration in critical spawning and rearing tributaries throughout the Upper Clark Fork.
Bitterroot River Restoration Project
The Bitterroot River drains 2,889 square miles in the Bitterroot and Sapphire mountain ranges in southwestern Montana.
Owyhee Basin Redband Trout Restoration
For many anglers, the Owyhee is a "bucket list" destination. Synonymous with big trout in a gorgeous, almost magical setting.
Weber River Home Rivers Initiative