2013 Women's Introductory Fly-Fishing Seminar
Much hard work by the chapter's Women's Initiative Chair, Jan Opal, paid off
big on June 22 and 23, as the Lake Champlain Chapter hosted a two-day
woman’s fly-fishing Introduction for 12 eager ladies and 16 chapter volunteers.
The event, held at the Clinton County Fairgrounds and the Saranac River,
included lectures on everything from equipment setup, stream entomology
and paid off with hands-on experience on the Saranac.
The first day started off with lectures on the basics of flyfishing. An indoor session
with hands-on fly tying instruction took place with the ladies tying their very first
woolly bugger. Outdoor sessions were held with casting demos and basic
instruction on forward and back cast, roll cast, and shooting line. After lunch,
each woman was paired up with a mentor/river guide for an afternoon of fly-fishing
at Don Lee’s home on the Saranac. New fishing staffs provided by Chapter
President Derrick Miler helped overcome the hazards of the rainswollen river.
The second day started with a review of the previous day’s program, with
questions and comments from participants and mentors. Then all headed
to the river again. This time, the group went to the mouth of the Saranac in
Plattsburgh, where waters had dropped to a more-fishable level. The day’s
results were spectacular, as the new anglers landed trout, bass, and fallfish
on flys even in the tough conditions.
In addition to Jan’s’ initiative in getting this event started, she was ably assisted
by two friends, Lindsay Agness and Vicky Lane, from Central and Western
New York, who traveled here to help. Many of the current board and members
were deeply involved in making this a highly successful weekend for everyone,
students and volunteers alike.
Thanks goes out to everyone who helped to make the weekend such a success,
including all those who donated flys, fishing gear, and other things to make our
guests remember the weekend fondly.
Attendee Marcie Wyand said “Thank you for such a well organized, educational, fun
weekend. We all had a wonderful time, even in the rain!” That comment was
typical of all the participants.
Our chapter's program was part of a national effort by Trout Unlmited to reach out to
women anglers and conservation minded women by introducing them to the art of fly-fishng.